Conference and Other Referred Publications
(chronological order)


  1. Stark, T.D. and J.E. Juhrend, “Undrained Shear Strength from Cone Penetration Tests,” Proceedings of 12th Intl. Conf. of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engrg. (SMFE), Brazil, Vol. 2, 1989, pp. 327-330.
  2. Duncan, J.M. and T.D. Stark, “The Causes of the 1981 Slide in San Luis Dam,” 27th Henry Shaw Lecture, N.C. State University presented by J. Michael Duncan, April 12, 1989.
  3. Stark, T.D. and F.E. Bast, “Data Acquisition Systems – Microcomputer Based,” invited contribution to Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, Marcel Dekker, Inc., Vol. 4, 1990, pp. 197-206.
  4. Stark, T.D. and B.M. Yacyshyn, “Specifications for Constructing and Load Testing Columns in Clay,” Special Tech. Pub. 1089, Amer. Soc. for Testing and Materials (ASTM), June, 1991, pp. 73-84.
  5. Stark, T.D. and W.G. Bixby, “Seepage Characteristics of Compacted Structural Fills,” Annual Proceedings of San Diego Association of Geologists, San Diego, CA, August, 1991, pp. 47-71.
  6. Stark, T.D., “Geotechnical Engineering at the Waterways Experiment Station,” Geotechnical News Magazine, BiTech Publishing, Vol. 9, No. 4, December, 1991, pp. 71 – 74.
  7. Stark, T.D. and J. Fowler, “Using Vertical Strip Drains to Increase the Storage Capacity of Confined Disposal Areas,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Western Dredging Association (WEDA XIII), Mobile, AL, May, 1992, pp. 84-95.
  8. Stark, T.D. and H.T. Eid, “Comparison of Field and Laboratory Residual Strengths,” Proceedings of Specialty Conference STABILITY AND PERFORMANCE OF SLOPES AND EMBANKMENTS-II, ASCE, Berkeley, CA, June, 1992, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 31, Vol. 1, pp. 876-889.
  9. Duncan, J.M. and T.D. Stark,Soil Strengths from Back-Analysis of Slope Failures,Proceedings of Specialty Conference STABILITY AND PERFORMANCE OF SLOPES AND EMBANKMENTS-II, ASCE, Berkeley, CA, June, 1992, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 31, Vol. 2, pp. 890-904.
  10. Stark, T.D. and J. Fowler, “Increasing Storage Capacity of Dredged Material Management Areas,Proc. of Annual Meeting of Western Dredging Association (WEDA XV), San Diego, CA, May, 1994, pp. 1-14.
  11. Stark, T.D., I.A. Contreras, and J. Fowler, “Management of Dredged Material Placement Operations,Proc. of ASCE Specialty Conference Vertical and Horizontal Deformations of Foundations and Embankments, SETTLEMENT 1994, College Station, TX, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 40, Vol. 2, June, 1994, pp. 1353-1365.
  12. Stark, T.D. and J. Fowler, “Strip Drains in Dredged Material Placement Areas,” Proc. of ASCE Specialty Conference DREDGING 1994, Orlando, FL, Vol. 1, November, 1994, pp. 1353-1365.
  13. Stark, T.D. and W.R. Monson, “Three-Dimensional Slope Stability,Proc. of NSF Grantees Meeting, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Reno, NV, April, 1995, pp. 32-36.
  14. Stark, T.D., I.A. Contreras, and I.M. Idriss, “Seismic Stability of Cohesive Soil Slopes,” invited contribution to Urban Disaster Mitigation: The Role of Engineering and Technology edited by F.Y. Chen and M.S. Sheu, Elsevier Science, Ltd., New York, NY, 1995, pp. 193-204.
  15. 1997

  16. Stark, T.D., “Effect of Swell Pressure on GCL Cover Stability,” Proceedings of Symposium on Testing and Acceptance Criteria for Geosynthetic Clay Liners, Special Technical Publication 1308, Amer. Soc. for Testing and Materials (ASTM), January, 1997, pp. 30-44.
  17. Tang, W.H., T.D. Stark, and M. Angulo, “Reliability and Performance Based Design of Slopes,” in Landslide Risk Assessment, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Landslide Risk Assessment, Honolulu, Hawaii, February, 1997, pp. 22-33.
  18. Stark, T.D., Discussion of “GCLs: Alternative Subtitle D Liner Systems,” Richardson, G. N., Geotechnical Fabrics Report, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 15, No. 6, August, 1997, pp. 6-8.
  19. Stark, T.D. and W.D. Evans, “Balancing Act: Stability of Grandfathered Landfills,” Civil Engineering Magazine, ASCE, Vol. 67, No. 8, August, 1997, pp. 8A-10A.
  20. Evans, W.D. and T.D. Stark, “The Rumpke Landslide: New Information,” Waste Age Magazine, Waste Systems and Technology, September, 1997, pp. 91-105.
  21. Stark, T.D. and J.R. Cramer, “Guidance Document on Static and Seismic Slope Stability for Solid Waste Containment Facilities,” accepted for publication by the State of Missouri, Department of Natural Resources, Jefferson City, MO, September, 1997, 84 p.
  22. Stark, T.D., W.D. Evans, and P.E. Sherry, “Design of a Failed Landfill Slope,” Keynote Paper in Proceedings Ohio River Valley Society Seminar (ORVSS) XXVII, Annual Conference of ASCE Kentucky Geotechnical Engineering Group, Lexington, KY, October, 1997, pp. 1-1 – 1-15.
  23. 1998

  24. Stark, T.D., “Bentonite Migration in Geosynthetic Clay Liners,” Proc. of 6th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Intl. Geosynthetics Society, Vol. 1, Atlanta, March, 1998, pp. 315-320.
  25. Evans, W.D., T.D. Stark, V.L. Wilson, and J.M. Gonda, “Design Considerations for Geosynthetic Clay Liners,” Proceedings of 20th International Madison Waste Conference: Municipal and Industrial Waste, University of Wisconsin at Madison, April, 1998, pp, 203-218.
  26. Stark, T.D., S.M. Olson, S.L. Kramer, and T.L. Youd, “Post-Liquefaction Shear Strength of Granular Soils,” Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEOTECHNICAL EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND SOIL DYNAMICS III, ASCE, No. 75, Vol. 1, Seattle, WA, July, 1998, pp. 313-324.
  27. Stark, T.D., S.M. Olson, S.L. Kramer, and T.L. Youd,Shear Strength of Liquefied Soil ,” Proceedings of Specialty Conf. SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGRG, ASCE, Seattle, WA, August, 1998, Vol. 1, pp. 313-324.
  28. Stark, T.D. and Olson, S.M., “CPT Based Liquefaction Resistance of Sandy Soils,” Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEOTECHNICAL EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND SOIL DYNAMICS III, ASCE, No. 75, Vol. 1, Seattle, WA, August, 1998, pp. 325-333.
  29. Stark, T.D. and H.T. Eid, “Undrained Shear Strength from Cone Penetration Test,” Proceedings of First International Conference on Site Characterization, International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Atlanta, GA, Vol. 2, 1998, pp. 1021-1026.
  30. Stark, T.D. and Abrams, D.P., “Transportation Networks Program of the Mid-America Earthquake Center,” Proceedings of 3rd Intl. U.S.-Japan-China Trilateral Symposium on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, National Science Foundation, Kunming, China, August, 1998, pp. 1-9.
  31. Stark, T.D., W.D. Evans, and V. Wilson, “Lessons Learned from a Landfill Slope Failure Involving Geosynthetics,” ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION in Geosynthetics: Lessons Learned from Failures, International Geosynthetics Society, editors J.P. Giroud, K.L. Soderman and G.P. Raymond, November, 1998.
  32. Stark, T.D., W.D. Evans, and K.E. Nay, “Lessons Learned from an Impoundment Slope Failure Involving Geosynthetics,” ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION in Geosynthetics: Lessons Learned from Failures, International Geosynthetics Society, editors J.P. Giroud, K.L. Soderman and G.P. Raymond, November, 1998.
  33. 1999

  34. Stark, T.D., “Stability of Waste Containment Facilities,” Proceedings of Waste Tech ‘99, National Solid Wastes Management Association, New Orleans, LA, February, 1999, pp. 1-24.
  35. Stark, T.D., “Transportation Networks Program of the Mid-America Earthquake Center,” Proceedings of 1st Mid-America Highway Seismic Conference, St. Louis, March, 1999, pp. 20-28.
  36. Stark, T.D., “GCL in Caps and Liners,” Management: The Journal for Solid Waste Professionals, September, 1999, pp. 86.
  37. Stark, T.D. and S.M. Olson,Estimating Liquefaction Potential in Mid-America,” Proceedings of 1st Mid-America Highway Seismic Conference, St. Louis, MO, March, 1999, pp. 42-52.
  38. 2000

  39. Stark, T.D., D.P. Abrams, and N.M. Hawkins, “Seismic Bridge Research in Transportation Networks Program of Mid-America Earthquake Center,” Proceedings of 79th Transportation Research Board Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January, 2000, 9 p.
  40. Stark, T.D. and P.D. Kerpan, “Legal Issues Associated with Landfill Slopes,” Proceedings of Seminar on Legal Aspects of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Washington, D.C., January, 2000, 13 p.
  41. Amaya, P., T.D. Stark, and B. Queen, “Construction Considerations for Geosynthetic Liner System Stability,” Proceedings Central Ohio Winter Seminar – 2000, Annual Conference of ASCE Ohio Geotechnical Engineering Group, Columbus, OH, March 1, 2000, pp. 1-1 – 1-15.
  42. Stark, T.D., W.D. Evans, and V. Wilson, “An Interim Slope Failure Involving Leachate Recirculation,” Proceedings of Waste Tech 2000, National Solid Wastes Management Association, Orlando, FL, March, 2000, 20 p.
  43. Stark, T.D. and G.N. Richardson,Flexible Geomembrane Interface Strengths,” Geotechnical Fabrics Report, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 18, No. 3, April, 2000, pp. 22-26.
  44. Stark, T.D. and Arellano, W.D., “Importance of Three-Dimensional Slope Stability Analyses in Practice,” Proceedings of Specialty Conference GEO-Denver, ASCE, Denver, CO, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 101, August, 2000, pp. 18-32.
  45. Stark, T.D., R.M. Ebeling, and K.R. Daly, “Stress-Strain Behavior and Hyperbolic Parameters for Structured/Cemented Silts,” Proc. Specialty Conference GEO-Denver, ASCE, Denver, August, 2000, pp. 1-8.
  46. Abrams, D.P., B.J. Goodno, and T.D. Stark,Research on Reducing Economic Losses from Infrequent, High-Consequence Earthquakes,Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Commemoration of the Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan, November, 2000, pp. 1-12.
  47. 2001

  48. Hashash, M.A.Y., T.D. Stark, and A. Abdulamit, “Equivalent Linear Dynamic Response Analysis of Geosynthetic Lined Landfills,” Proc. of Geosynthetics 2001, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Portland, OR, February, 2001.
  49. Olson, S.M. and T.D. Stark, “Liquefaction Analysis of Lower San Fernando Dam Using Strength Ratios,Proceedings of 4th Intl. Conference on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, University of Missouri-Rolla, San Diego, CA, March, 2001, 6 p.
  50. Stark, T.D., W.D. Evans, and V. Wilson, “Avoiding the Slippery Slope,” Featured Cover Article – Waste Age Magazine, Waste Systems and Technology, March, 2001, pp. 42-45.
  51. Obermeier, S.F., S.M. Olson, E. Pond (authors) and R. Green, T.D. Stark, and J.K. Mitchell (contributors), Paleoliquefaction Studies in Continental Settings: Geologic and Geotechnical Factors in Interpretations and Back-Analysis,” United States Geological Survey, Open-File Report 01-29, April, 2001.
  52. Stark, T.D., E. Newman, and F.P. Rohe, “PVC Aquaculture Liners Stand the Test of Time,” Geotechnical Fabrics Report, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 19, No. 7, September, 2001, pp. 16-19.
  53. Arellano, W. D., R. Aaboe, and T.D. Stark, “Comparison of Existing EPS-Block Geofoam Creep Models with Field Measurements,” Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on EPS Geofoam 2001, Salt Lake City, UT, NY, December, 2001, 10 p.
  54. Stark, T.D., and W.D. Arellano, “Overview of the NCHRP Project Provisional Specification,Proceedings of 3rd Intl. Conference on EPS Geofoam 2001, Salt Lake City, UT, December, 2001, 11 p.
  55. 2002

  56. Stark, T.D., “Blasting: Strict Tort Liability or Negligence,Proceedings of 28th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, International Society of Explosives Engineers, Vol. 1, Las Vegas, NV, February, 2002, pp. 245-258.
  57. Stark, T.D. and J. Fitzsimmons, “Theoretical Effect of Bentonite Migration on Contaminant Transport Through Geosynthetic Clay Liners,” Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Nice, France, September, 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 757-760.
  58. Stark, T.D., E. Newman, and F.P. Rohe, “Analysis of Thirty Year Old PVC Geomembrane in the Aquaculture Industry,” Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI), September, 2002, Nice, France, Vol. 4, pp. 1509-1514.
  59. Stark, T.D., “PGI Developing a New Seam-Burst Test,” Geotechnical Fabrics Report, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 20, No. 8, October, 2002, pp. 10.
  60. Ginsburg, T.B. and T.D. Stark, “The Law and Policy of Earthquake Hazard in the Central United States,” Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Working Paper #104, December 2002, 40 p.
  61. T.D. Stark, P. O’Leary and P. Walsh, “Static and Seismic Stability of Landfill Slopes,” Landfill Continuing Education Course,, December 2002, pp. 82 – 85.
  62. 2003

  63. Stark, T.D., “Standard of Care for Blasting Negligence,” Proceedings of 29th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, International Soc. of Explosives Engineers, Vol. 1, Nashville, TN, February, 2003, pp. 245 – 258.
  64. Stark, T.D., “Three-Dimensional Slope Stability Methods in Geotechnical Practice,” Invited Contribution to Proceedings of University of Minnesota 51st Annual Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Minnesota Geotechnical Engineering Group, Minneapolis, MN, February, 2003, pp. 41 – 74.
  65. Thomas, R.W. and T.D. Stark, “Reduction of Destructive Tests for PVC Seams,” Geotechnical Fabrics Report, Industrial Fabrics Association Intl., Vol. 21, No. 2, March, 2003, pp. 26-29.
  66. Thomas, R.W. and T.D. Stark, “Air-Channel Testing of Thermally Bonded PVC Geomembrane Seams,” Geotechnical Fabrics Report, Industrial Fabrics Association Intl., Vol. 21, No. 2, March, 2003, pp. 26-29.
  67. Willingham, T.W., C.J. Werth, A.J. Valocchi, I.G. Krapac, C. Toupiol, T.D. Stark, and D.E. Daniel, “Tracer Transport Through a Field-Scale Compacted Clay Liner over a 12 Year Period,” 8th Annual Landfill Symposium and Solid Waste Managers: Trends and Challenges Conference, SWANA, Session 10A, June 16-20, Atlantic City, NJ, 2003.
  68. Chugh, A. and T.D. Stark, “An Automated Procedure for 3-Dimensional Mesh Generation,” Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on FLAC and FLAC3D Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, October, 2003, pp. 9-15.
  69. Stark, T.D., “Use of Geofoam in Embankment Projects,” Keynote Paper in Proceedings Ohio River Valley Society Seminar XXXIV, Annual Conference of ASCE Kentucky Geotechnical Engineering Group, Lexington, KY, September, 2003, pp. 1-1 – 1-15.
  70. Stark, T.D., E. Newman, and F.P. Rohe, “Long-Term Durability of a 20 mil PVC Geomembranes,” Proceedings, Vinyltec2003, International Plastics Society, Huron, Ohio, October, 2003, pp. 44-56.
  71. 2004

  72. Stark, T.D., “Application of Strict Liability and Negligence to Blasting Claims,Proceedings of 30th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, International Society of Explosives Engineers, Vol. 1, New Orleans, LA, February, 2004, pp. 24 – 30.
  73. Stark, T.D., J. Horvath, D. Leshchinsky, and D. Arellano, “Guideline and Recommended Standard for Geofoam Applications in Highway Embankment,” National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 529, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., August, 2004, 71 p.
  74. Stark, T.D., J. Horvath, D. Leshchinsky, and D. Arellano, “Geofoam Applications in the Design and Construction of Highway Embankments,” National Cooperative Highway Research Program Web Document 65, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., August, 2004, 792 pp.
  75. Fox, P.J., T.D. Stark, and R.H. Swan, “Laboratory Measurement of GCL Shear Strength,” Advances in Geosynthetic Clay Liner Technology, 2nd Symposium, Special Tech. Pub. 1456, R. E. Mackey and K. von Maubeuge, Eds., ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, September, 2004, pp. 92-109.
  76. Stark, T.D., H. Choi, and P. Diebel, “Plasticizer Molecular Weight and Plasticizer Retention in PVC Geomembranes,” Proceedings of 57th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Quebec City, Canada, October, 2004, Session 5D, pp. 1-7.
  77. Stark, T.D., H. Choi, and P. Diebel, “Performance of 30 mil PVC Geomembrane Exposed to Synthetic MSW Leachate,” Proceedings of 57th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Quebec City, Canada, October, 2004, Session 5D, pp. 8-12.
  78. 2005

  79. Stark, T.D. and G. de la Pena, “Legal Aspects of a Landslide Case,” Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS, ASCE, Austin, TX, January, 2005, Geotechnical Special Publication 137, pp. 64-80.
  80. Stark, T.D. and H. Choi, “Effect of Bentonite Migration in Geosynthetic Clay Liners on Contaminant Transport,Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS, ASCE, Austin, TX, January, 2005, Geotechnical Special Publication 142, pp. 1-15.
  81. Stark, T.D., H. Choi, and P. Diebel, “Plasticizer Retention in PVC Geomembranes,” Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS, ASCE, Austin, TX, January, 2005, Geotechnical Special Publication 142, pp. 15-30.
  82. Stark, T.D., K.R. Reddy, and A. Marella, “Clogging Potential of the Shredded Scrap Tire Drainage Layer in Landfill Cover Systems,” Proceedings of 20th Annual International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Vol. 1, Orlando, FL, February, 2005, pp. 12-24.
  83. Stark, T.D., Heap, J., Lange, S., McLaury, D., and Slifer, S., “Air-Channel Testing Landfill Geomembrane Seams,” Geotechnical Fabrics Report, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 23, No. 2, March, 2005, pp. 34-37.
  84. Stark, T.D., H. Choi, and P. Diebel,The Influence of Plasticizer Molecular Weight on Plasticizer Retention,” Geotechnical Fabrics Report, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 23, No. 2, March, 2005, pp. 28-33.
  85. Stark, T.D., D. Evans, and B. Queen, “Landfill Instability and Its Implications for Operation, Construction, and Design,” Proceedings of Waste Expo 2005 Conference, National Solid Wastes Management Association, Las Vegas, NV, May, 2005, pp. 10 – 36.
  86. Stark, T.D., E. Newman, and K.R. Binnix, “Designing and Specifying Landfill Covers,” Geotechnical Fabrics Report, Industrial Fabrics Association International, September, 2005, 14 p.
  87. Spear, J.W. and T.D. Stark, “Don’t Let it Slide: Neglecting Slope Stability Analyses Could lead to Slope Failures in Bioreactors,” Waste Age Magazine, Waste Systems and Technology, October, 2005, pp. 102.
  88. Stark, T.D. and A. Chugh, “Displacement Analysis of a Landslide,” Proceedings of 11th International Conference on and Field Trip on Landslides, Trondheim, Norway, October, 2005, pp. 73-81.
  89. 2006

  90. Stark, T.D., S. Slifer, G. Monley, “Saving Prospect Lake,” Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2006, pp. 28-33.
  91. E.J. Newman, T.D. Stark, and S.M. Olson, “Cone Penetration Testing and Site Exploration in Evaluating the Liquefaction Resistance of Sands and Silty Sands,Proceedings of 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EERI, San Francisco, CA, April, 2006, 8 pp.
  92. Stark, T.D., Discussion of “Landfill Closure: A Lesson in Crisis Management,” by G. N. Richardson and W. Chicca, Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 24, No. 3, June/July, 2006, pp. 6.
  93. Stark, T.D. and G. Mann, “Landslide Stabilization using Geofoam,” Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohoma, Japan, September, 2006, pp. 1 – 4.
  94. 2007

  95. Stark, T.D. and G. Mann,Slope Stabilization Using Geofoam,” Proceedings of Specialty Conference GEO-Denver, ASCE, Denver, CO, February, 2007, 10 p.
  96. Stark, T.D., D. Berube, P. Diebel, and A. Rollin, “Massive Mining Evaporation Ponds Constructed in Chilean Desert,” Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, February/March, 2007, Vol.25, No.1, pp. 26-33.
  97. 2008

  98. Stark, T.D. and A.R. Poeppel, “Landfill Liner Interface Strengths from Torsional-Ring-Shear Tests,” Proc. of Geo-Americas Conference: 1st Pan-American Geosynthetics Conference, March, 2008, pp. 597-615.
  99. Stark, T.D. and N. Huvaj, “Back-Analysis of Landfill Slope Failures,” Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Arlington, VA, August 11-16, 2008, p. 276-286.
  100. Stark, T.D., and E.J. Newman, “Landslide in an Urban Environment,” Keynote Paper in Proceedings Ohio River Valley Society Seminar (ORVSS) XXXIX, Annual Conference of ASCE Ohio Geotechnical Engineering Group, Covington, KY, October, 2008, pp. 1-1 – 1-15.
  101. 2009

  102. Stark, T.D. and J.M. Hynes, “Geomembranes for Canal Linings,” Proc. of 6th International Conference on Geosynthetics, sponsored by the Intl. Geosynthetics Society, Salt Lake City, UT, February, 2009, Vol. 1, pp. 315-320
  103. Axtell, P. T.D. Stark, and J.C. Dillon,Strength Difference Between Clam-Shell and Long-Reach Excavator Constructed Cement-Bentonite Self-Hardening Slurry Walls.Contemporary Topics in Ground Modification, Problem Soils, and Geo-Support, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 187; Iskander, Laefer, and Hussein, editors, March, 2009, pp. 297-304.
  104. Axtell, P. and T.D. Stark, “Increase in Shear Modulus by Soil Mix and Jet Grout Methods”, Proceedings of Specialty Conference International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo, ASCE, Orlando, FL March, 2009, 8 pp.
  105. Arellano, W. D. and T.D. Stark, ” Load Bearing Analysis of EPS-Block Geofoam Embankments,” Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Bearing Capacity of Road, Railways, and Airfields, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, June 29 – July 2, 2009, pp. 981-990.
  106. Stark, T.D., J. Horvath, D. Leshchinsky, D. Arellano, and J.B. Tatum, “Interim Design Guideline for EPS-Block Geofoam in Slope Stabilization and Repair”, Proceedings of 89th Transportation Research Board Meeting, Transportation Research Board, July, 2009, 15 p.
  107. Stark, T.D., “Design Questions and Answers for Geomembranes,” Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 27, No. 3, June/July, 2009, p. 56.
  108. 2010

  109. Stark, T.D., E.J. Newman, P. Amaya, and S. Baig,Evaluating Ground Settlement Above a Mined Area,Proceedings of Specialty Conference GeoFlorida 2010: Advances in Analysis, Modeling and Design, ASCE, Orlando, FL, March, 2010, pp. 244-253.
  110. T.D. Stark, K. Akhtar, and M. Hussain, “Stability Analysis for a Landfill Experiencing Elevated Temperatures,” Proceedings of Specialty Conference GeoFlorida 2010: Advances in Analysis, Modeling and Design, ASCE, Orlando, FL, March, 2010, 10 p.
  111. T.D. Stark and M. Hussain, “Long-Term Drained Residual Strength for Landslides,” Proceedings of Specialty Conference GeoFlorida 2010: Advances in Analysis, Modeling and Design, ASCE, Orlando, FL, March, 2010, 10 p.
  112. Stark, T.D. and A. Sadrekarimi, “Earthquake Induced Excess Pore Water Pressures in the Upper San Fernando Dam during the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake,Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, University of Missouri, May 24-29, 2010, 12 p.
  113. Hendrix, J. and T.D. Stark, “Predicting Underseepage of Masonry Dams,Proceedings of 29th Association of Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) Conference, Hollywood, FL, May, 2010, 8 p.
  114. Sheridan, T. and Stark, T.D., ” Use of Underground Stormwater Detention Systems,Land and Water, Natural Resource Management and Restoration, and, May/June, 2010, pp. 5-10.
  115. Hussain, M., Stark, T.D., and Akhtar, K. (2010).”Back-Analysis Procedure for Landslides,Proceedings of International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Pakistan Geotechnical Engineering Society (PGES), Lahore, Pakistan, November, 2010, 159-166 p.
  116. Stark, T.D., L. F. Pazmino, S. Slifer, and D. Simbeck, “Field and Seams: Advantages and Uses of Fabricated Geomembranes,Waste Age Magazine, Waste Systems and Technology, November, 2010, pp. 22-23.
  117. 2011

  118. Arellano, D., T.D. Stark, J.S. Horvath, Leshchinshky, D., M.H. Kafash, and C. Wang,Overview of NCHRP Design Guideline for EPS-Block Geofoam in Slope Stabilization and Repair,Proceedings of 4th Intl. Conference on Geofoam Blocks in Construction Applications (EPS 2011), Trondheim, Norway, 2011.
  119. Hussain, M. and T.D. Stark, “ Back-analysis of Preexisting Landslides,Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS 2011, ASCE, Dallas, TX, March, 2011, pp. 3659-3668.
  120. Martin, J.W., T.D. Stark, T.Thalhamer, and G.T. Gerbasi,Reaction and Combustion Indicators in MSW Landfills,” Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS 2011, ASCE, Dallas, TX, March, 2011, pp. 1045-1054.
  121. Stark, T.D., T.-B. Nguyen, and H. Choi, “Comparison of Four Composite Landfill Liner Systems considering Leakage Rate and Mass Flux,Proceedings of 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Hong Kong, May 23-27, 2011, 6 p.
  122. Stark, T.D., Kolbasuk, G., Slifer, S., Simbeck, D., and Boorsma, J., “Benefits and costs Advantages of Fabricated Geomembranes,” Land and Water, Natural Resource Management and Restoration,, July/August, 2011, pp. 37-41.
  123. 2012

  124. Frobel, R., Oliveira, P., Kolbasuk, G., and Stark, T.D. New Geomembrane Selection Matrix,,” Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 30, No. 1, February/March, 2012, pp. 52.
  125. Somasundaram, S., Shenthan, T., Stark, T.D., and Wright, T.D., “Shear Strength Characterization and Back Analysis for a Progressive Landslide Complex,” Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-Congress 2012, ASCE, Oakland, CA, March, 2012, pp. 673-682.
  126. Tutumluer, E., Stark, T.D., Mishra, D., Hyslip, J., Tomas, M., and Chrismer, S., ” Investigation and Mitigation of Differential Movement at Railway Transitions for US High Speed Passenger Rail and Joint Passenger/Freight Corridors,” Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Joint Rail Conference (JRC2012), Philadelphia, April, 2012.
  127. Tutumluer, E., Stark, T.D., Mishra, D., Hyslip, J., Tomas, M., and Chrismer, S., “Investigation of Differential Movement at Railroad Bridge Approaches through Geotechnical Instrumentation”. Proceedings of International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering for High-Speed Transportation Infrastructure, Hangzhou, China, October 26-28, 2012
  128. Stark, T.D., “PSDDF-Computer Model to Evaluate Primary Consolidation, Secondary Compression, and Desiccation of Dredged Fill and Non-Homogeneous Cohesive Soils”. Instruction Report, COE ERDC, Vicksburg, MS, 2012, pp. 146.
  129. 2013

  130. Stark, T.D., B. Queen, and H. Choi., “Avoiding Surprises in Slope Stability”. GeoStrata Magazine, January/February, Vol. 17(1), 2013, pp. 26-30.
  131. Stark, T.D., Walberg, F.C., Byrne, P.M., Castro, G., Nicholson, P.J., Axtell, P.J., Dillon, J.C., Empson, W.B., Topi, J.E., Mathews, D.L., and Bellew, G.M., “Soil Improvement for Seismic Retrofit of Tuttle Creek Dam”. Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-Congress 2013, ASCE, San Diego, CA, March, 2013, pp. 2076-2086.
  132. Stark, T.D., Nazarian, S., Ho, C.L., and Tutumluer, E., “Seismic Testing for Track Substructure (Ballast and Subgrade) Assessment for Passenger/Freight Corridors”. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Joint Rail Conference (JRC2013), Knoxville, TN, April, 2013.
  133. Tutumluer, E., Stark, T.D., Mishra, D., Hyslip, J., Tomas, M., and Chrismer, S., “Instrumentation and Performance Monitoring of Railroad Track Transitions using Multidepth Deflectometers”. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Joint Rail Conference (JRC2013), Knoxville, TN, April, 2013.
  134. Stark, T.D., Long, J.H. and Assem, P., “Drilled Shaft Design in Weak Illinois Shales”. Research Report for Illinois Department of Transportation, Springfield, 2013, 310 pp.
  135. Stark, T.D., R.W. Thomas, and T.J. Dehlin., “Air-channel testing of thermally bonded flexible polypropylene geomembrane seams”, Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, April/May, 2013, Vol. 31, No.4, pp. 26-33.
  136. Stark, T.D., Miller, J., LaFiura, D., and Fought, S., “Sustainable Geomembrane Recycling and Downcycling”, Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 31, No. 3, June/July, 2013, pp. 34-39.
  137. 2014

  138. Stark, T.D. and Jafari, N. H., “Calorimeter Test for Aluminum Production Waste Reactivity”, Proceedings of Specialty Conference GEO-Congress 2014, ASCE, Atlanta, GA, March, 2014, pp. 693-702.
  139. Stark, T.D., Swan, R.H., Jr., and Yuan, Z., “Ballast Direct Shear Testing”, Proceedings of ASME 2014 Joint Rail Conference (JRC2014), Paper No. JRC2014-3714, Colorado Springs, CO, April, 2014.
  140. Stark, T.D., Dehlin, T.J., Nazarian, S., Azari, H., Yuan, D., and Ho, C.L., “Seismic Wave Modeling for Track Substructure Assessment”, Proceedings of ASME 2014 Joint Rail Conference (JRC2014), Paper No. JRC2014-3776, Colorado Springs, CO, April, 2014.
  141. Azari, H., Yuan, D., Nazarian, S., Stark, T.D., Dehlin, T.J., and Ho, C.L., “Surface Wave Testing for Characterization of Ballast and Foundation Layers”, Proceedings of ASME 2014 Joint Rail Conference (JRC2014), Paper No. JRC2014-3782, Colorado Springs, CO, April, 2014.
  142. Stark, T.D. and Paiko, D., “Geosynthetics in New Transportation Applications”, Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI), 32(2), April/May, 2014, p. 28-33.
  143. Akhtar, K. and Stark, T.D., “Importance of Side Resistance in 3D Stability Analysis”, Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Geo-Disaster Reduction-ICGdR, Fullerton, CA, September, 2014, pp. 110-118.
  144. Stark, T.D., Jafari, N.H., and Leopold, A.L., “IHNC Floodwall Failures During Hurricane Katrina”, Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Geo-Disaster Reduction-ICGdR, Fullerton, CA, September, 2014, pp. 10-18.
  145. 2015

  146. Stark, T.D. and Blackmar, T., “Classification and Disposal of Dewatered Sediments”, ASME Proc. of Eighth Intl. Conf. on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments, New Orleans, LA, January, 2015.
  147. Stark, T.D. and Fox, P.J., “State-of-the-Art Report: GCL Shear Strength and Its Measurement – Summary of Ten-Year Update”, Proceedings of Geosynthetics 2015, IFAI, Portland, OR, March, 2015, pp. 122 – 132.
  148. Stark, T.D., Rose, J.G., Wilk, S.T., and Purcell, M., “Design and Monitoring of Well-Performing Bridge Transitions”, ASME Proceedings of 2015 Joint Rail Conf. (JRC2015), San Jose, CA, March, 2015.
  149. Stark, T.D., Jafari, N., Leopold, A.L., and Brandon, T.L., “Soil Compressibility in Transient and Unsaturated Seepage Analyses”, Proc. of Specialty Conf. IFCEE 2015, ASCE, San Antonio, TX, April, 2015, pp. 693-702.
  150. Stark, T.D., Swan, R.H., Jr., and Yuan, Z., “Ballast Direct Shear Testing”, Proceedings of ASME 2014 Joint Rail Conference (JRC2015), San Jose, CA, March, 2015.
  151. Stark, T.D. and Pazmino, L., “High Temperature Air Channel Testing of Thermally Bonded PVC Geomembrane Seams”, SPE Proceedings of 2015 ANTEC Conference (ANTEC-2015), Orlando, FL, March, 2015.
  152. Stark, T.D., Newman, E.J., Rohe, F.P., and Diebel, P., “Thirty-Year Durability of a 20 mil PVC Geomembrane”, SPE Proceedings of 2015 ANTEC Conference (ANTEC-2015), Orlando, FL, March, 2015.
  153. Stark, T.D. and Jafari, N., “Uncertainty of Soil Compressibility in Transient and Unsaturated Seepage Analyses”, Proceedings of 2015 U.S. Society on Dams (USSD) Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, April, 2015, pp. 1-16.
  154. Jafari, N.H., and Stark, T.D., “ Effect of landside excavations on 3D levee underseepage. ”, Rocscience RocNews , Spring 2015, 18(1), 1-20.
  155. Stark, T.D. and Wilk, S.T., “High-Speed Passenger Rail Tie-Ballast Interaction”, Research Results, Federal Rail Administration, Washington, D.C., RR 15-13, May, 2015, p. 5,
  156. Stark T.D., Wilk S.T., Thompson H.B., Jr., and Sussmann T.R., Jr., (2015). “Effect of Unsupported Ties at Transition Zones”, Proceedings of Railway Engineering-2015 Conference, June 30– July 1. Edinburgh, Scotland.
  157. Mills, A and Stark, T.D., and Wilk, S.T., (2015). “ Possible new standard for Factory Fabricated Geomembranes: Packaging, Handling, and Deployment.”, Geosynthetics , Industrial Fabrics Association International, 33(3), June/July, 2015, 2 p:
  158. Thompson, H.B., Jr., Sussmann, T.R., Stark, T.D., and Wilk, S.T., (2015). “Non-Invasive Monitoring of Track System Gaps”, Proceedings of Railway Engineering-2015 Conference, June 30 – July 1. Edinburgh, Scotland.
  159. Sussmann T.R., Thompson, H.B., Jr., Stark, T.D., and Wilk, S.T., (2015). “Use of Seismic Surface Wave Testing to Assess Track Substructure Condition”, Proceedings of Railway Engineering-2015 Conference, June 30 – July 1, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  160. Stark, T.D., Rose, J.G., Wilk, S.T., and Moorhead, W., “Effect of Hand Tamping on Transition Zone Behavior”, Proceedings of 2015 American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN. October 4-7, 2015,
  161. Stark, T.D., Rose, J.G., Wilk, S.T., and Purcell, M., “Design of Well-Performing Railway Transitions”, Proceedings of 2015 American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN. October 4-7, 2015.
  162. 2016

  163. Bruzek, R., Stark, T.D., Wilk, S.T., Thompson, H.B. II, and Sussmann, T.R., Jr., “ Fouled Ballast Definitions and Parameters”, ASME Proceedings of 2016 Joint Rail Conf. (JRC2016) , Charleston, SC, March, 2016.
  164. Stark, T.D., Wilk, S.T., Thompson, H.B. II, Sussmann, T.R., Jr., Baker, M., and Ho, C.L., “ Evaluating Fouled Ballast using Seismic Surface Waves”, ASME Proc. 2016 Joint Rail Conf. (JRC2016) , Charleston, SC, March, 2016.
  165. Stark, T.D. and Baghdady, A., “ The Use of LiDAR for Monitoring and Assessing Landslides ”, Proc. of Specialty Conf. GeoCongress-2016, ASCE, Chicago, IL, August, 2016, pp. 596-604.
  166. Stark, T.D., LaFiura, and Fought, S., “ Sustainable Geomembrane Recycling and Down-Cycling ”, Proc. of Specialty Conf. GeoCongress-2016, ASCE, Chicago, IL, August, 2016, pp. ??-??.
  167. Jafari, N.H. and Stark, T.D., “Spatial Classification of Elevated Temperatures in MSW Landfills ”, Proc. Specialty Conf. Geo-Chicago-2016, Geotech. Special Pub. (GSP) 271, ASCE, Chicago, IL, August, 2016, pp. 285-296. .
  168. Swan, R.H., Yeom, S., Sjoblom, K.J., Stark, T.D., and Filshill, A., “ Engineering Properties of Foamed Recycled Glass as a Lightweight Fill ”, Proc. Specialty Conf. Geo-Chicago-2016, GSP 272, ASCE, Chicago, IL, August, 2016, pp. 11-22.
  169. Moale, C., Smith, D., Stark, T.D., Wilk, S.T., and Rose, J.G. , “ Design and Performance of Three Remediated Bridge Approaches ”, Proceedings of 2016 American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) Conference. Orlando, FL, August 28-31, 2016.
  170. Stark, T.D., Jafari, N.H., Lopez-Zhindon, S., and Baghdady, A. K.. “ Unsaturated and Transient Seepage Analysis of San Luis Dam using SLIDE.”, Rocscience RocNews, Spring 2016, March 15, 2016;
  171. Stark, T.D. and Jafari, N.H., “Uncertainty of Model Parameters in PSDDF for Coastal Restoration”, Proc. Specialty Conf. Geo-Chicago-2016, Geotech. Spec. Pub. (GSP) 273, ASCE, Chicago, August, 2016, p. 492-500.
  172. Jafari, N.H. and Stark, T.D., “Slope and Settlement Movements of an MSW Landfill during Elevated Temperatures”, Proc. Specialty Conf. Geo-Chicago-2016, Geotech. Special Pub. (GSP) 271, ASCE, Chicago, IL, August, 2016, pp. 275-284.
  173. Jafari, N.H. and Stark, T.D., “Progression of Elevated Temperatures in MSW Landfills”, Proc. Specialty Conf. Geo-Chicago-2016, Geotech. Special Pub. (GSP) 271, ASCE, Chicago, IL, August, 2016, pp. 232-243.
  174. Stark, T.D., “Minnesota Geomembrane Durability Study”,Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 34(4), August/September, 2016, pp. 6.
  175. Miller, J. and Stark, T.D., “FGI initiates Summer Internship Program”, Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, August/September 20, 2016, 34(3), pp. 20.
  176. 2017

  177. Stark, T.D., Wilk, S.T., “Post-Construction Deformation of Compacted Fills Caused by Wetting ”, Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS, ASCE, Orlando, FL, March, 2017, Geotechnical Special Publication 280, pp. 64-71.
  178. Stark, T.D. and Akhtar, K., “Importance of Side Resistance in 3D Slope Stability Analyses”, Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS, ASCE, Orlando, FL, March, 2017, Geotechnical Special Pub. 278, 285-293.
  179. Stark, T.D. and Fernandez, R., “Soil/Geosynthetic and Geosynthetic/Geosynthetic Interface Strengths”, Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS, ASCE, Orlando, FL, March, 2017, Geotechnical Special Publication 280, pp. 260-268.
  180. Stark, T.D. and Jafari, N.H., “Landfill Operational Techniques in the Presence of Elevated Temperatures”, Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS, ASCE, Orlando, FL, March, 2017, Geotechnical Special Pub. 276, 289-297.
  181. Khilnani, K., Stark, T.D., and Bahadori, T.M., “ Comparison of Single and Multi-Interface Strengths for Soil/Geosynthetic and Geosynthetic/Geosynthetic Interfaces ”, Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS, ASCE, Orlando, FL, March, 2017, Geotechnical Special Publication 276, pp. 42-51.
  182. Jafari, N.H. and Stark, T.D., “ Service Life and Design Implications of HDPE Geomembranes at Elevated Temperature Landfills”, Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS, ASCE, Orlando, FL, March, 2017, Geotechnical Special Publication 280, pp. 198-208.
  183. Stark, T.D., Hilts, D., and Miller, J., “Morro Reservoir Project Rehabilitation Project”, Land and Water, Natural Resource Management and Restoration,, January/February, 2017, pp. 30-32.
  184. Stark, T.D., Fernandez, R., Wenz, Z., Koski, S. , “Long-Term Durability of Geomembrane Material and Seams”, Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 35(3), April/May, 2017, pp. 12-17.
  185. Mills, A. and Stark, T.D., “Protecting Geomembranes from Animal Damage”, Geosynthetics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, June/July, 2017, 35(3), pp. 44-45.
  186. Stark, T.D. and Jafari, N.H., “Rapid Drawdown Stability Analysis of San Luis Dam”, Proceedings of 3rd North American Landslide Symposium (NASL), Roanoke, VA, June 4-8, 2017, pp. 23-31.
  187. Stark, T.D. and Ruffing, D.G. , “ Selecting Minimum Factors of Safety for 3D Slope Stability Analyses ”, Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-Risk-2017, ASCE, Denver, CO, June 4-7, 2017, Geotechnical Special Publication 283, pp. 259-266.
  188. Stark T.D. and Wilk, S.T., “Simulating the Loading Environment at a Railway Bridge Transition Zone”, Proceedings of Railway Engineering-2017 Conference, June 21-22. Edinburgh, Scotland, doi: 10.25084/raileng.2017.0070,, pp. 1-12.
  189. Stark T.D. and Wilk, S.T., “Monitoring Changes in the Tie-Ballast Interaction in Disturbed Track”, Proceedings of Railway Engineering-2017 Conference, June 21-22. Edinburgh, Scotland, doi: 10.25084/raileng.2017.0071,, pp. 1-10.
  190. Stark, T.D., Wilk, S.T., Rose, J.G., Sussmann, Jr., T.R., and Thompson II, H.B., “Influence of tie-ballast interface on transition zone performance”, Proceedings of 11th Conference of Intl. Heavy Haul Association (IHHA), Cape Town, South Africa, September 2-6, 2017.
  191. 2018

  192. Stark, T.D., Wilk, S.T., “Sampling, Reconstituting, and Gradation Testing of Railroad Ballast”, Proceedings of ASTM Symposium on Railroad Ballast Testing and Properties, ASTM STP 1605, March, 2018, pp. 135-143.
  193. Stark, T.D., Wilk, S.T., “Review of Size and Loading Conditions for Large-Scale Triaxial Tests”, Proceedings of ASTM Symposium on Railroad Ballast Testing and Properties, ASTM STP 1605, March, 2018, pp. 162-172.
  194. Stark, T.D., Ricciardi, P.J., and Sisk, R.E, “Highway Embankment on Soft Soils Case Study and Lessons Learned”, Proc. Specialty Conf. IFCEE 2018, GSP ???, ASCE, Orlando, FL, March, 2018, p. ??-??.
  195. Stark, T.D. and Jafari, N., “San Luis Dam Case History: Seepage and Slope Stability Analyses and Lessons Learned”, Proc. Specialty Conf. IFCEE 2018, GSP ???, ASCE, Orlando, FL, March, 2018, p. ??-??.
  196. Stark, T.D., “Look Who’s a D.GE”, GeoStrata Magazine, March/April, Vol. 2217(2), 2018, pp. 60-6430.
  197. Stark, T.D., “Development and Use of Fully Softened Shear Strength in Slope Stability Analyses”, White Paper, January, 2017, 58 p.
  198. Shidlauski, K. and Stark, T.D., “Researchers Survey Rattlesnake Ridge Landslide”,